All Around Fence sells a variety of fencing, including farm fencing used to corral horses. Ideally, a horse fence needs to keep horses on the property where they belong. Additionally, fencing needs to keep out nuisances that would bother the horses, like stray dogs and other animals/critters who “don’t belong there.”
Horse fencing helps control grazing areas and can be used to segregate groups of horses as needed. For instance, you might want certain young horses to be kept away from older, bigger, meaner ones, right? Or you might want to protect your horse of extremely high value from others. Thankfully, fences make this sort of thing possible.
What are some tips for planning a horse fence for your property?
Choose the Right Material
First, don’t go with the cheapest fence, which is usually barbed wire. In the end, you might have to pay exorbitant veterinary bills because the wire hurt your horses.
Know Your Area
Next, consider that different horses have different needs, and therefore you might have to get a variety of fencing and create various fenced-in areas. For example, stallions will require different fencing than mares with foals or geldings. Usually, just one type/size fence won’t cut it for a farm. You’ll also need to consider land topography, which influences how effective fences ultimately are.
Create a Master Layout
As for the areas that get fenced in, you’ll want to come up with a master layout that allows easy movement of horses from place to place. You need to think about things like how traffic flows, room to “breathe” (wide vs. narrow aisles), and how you’ll end up removing manure from those areas. In essence, you’ll end up creating a map of your property and thinking about how wide and long certain areas need to be in order to accommodate things like mowers, manure spreaders, and baling equipment.
Fencing needs to be highly visible to horses. Since they are farsighted and look to the horizon, scanning their environment for danger, horses need to be able to see fencing in front of them. Therefore, fencing should be substantial, visible, sturdy, and have a “little give,” in case a horse does end up running into it, so as to prevent major injuries. Oh, and obviously, a fence needs to be high enough to discourage a horse from jumping over it!
When picking out fencing, remember that horses will probably/inevitably touch it, so it shouldn’t have sharp edges or odd projections.
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